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In the Beginning The story of La Salle begins in 1917 when the Brothers of St. Joseph's College opened a junior school on Chatham Road, near Rosary Church. Kowloon was expanding rapidly at this time

2019年起全年無休為每一位顧客服務 早上10時至晚上11時 星期一至星期五提供上門預約維修服務 貼心為你提供一站式服務 歡迎查詢

For over 22 years, Kids' Gallery has been the pioneer for youth arts education in Hong Kong with its centres offering the best creative arts programmes across Asia. Our centres are located in Kowloon

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Available space to use: Approx. 8 feet x 8 feet floor space Including one large office desk & chair Including Electricity, Air-Conditioner, Wi-Fi, wooden box shelves (as shown on the photo)

All-inclusive package - with Sea view, coffee, tea, snacks, free wifi, 24/7 access, air conditioning, phone booth, and lounge area.

Raw Materials: GCr15 Processing Technique: Vacuum hardening Rigidity: HRC62-65 Specification:Ps7100,010,020 Type

In the box Mavic Air 2 Aircraft ×1 Remote Controller ×1 Intelligent Flight Battery ×1 Low-Noise Propellers ×3 (pairs) RC Cable (USB-C Connector) ×1 Whatsapp : +353 89 953 9363
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